putting up great democratic candidates and getting to work knocking on doors to get them elected. Screw the ones who whine and do nothing...get busy and MAKE a difference. No one is going to make you do it...you have to want it...you have to really want a change to get out and knock on those doors.
For the ones who don't like their candidate or think there aren't any good candidates to choose from: Find a new one...one that won't take pac money. Maybe its your neighbor, maybe its the folks down the road, maybe its YOU...but they are out there...you just have to go find them.
For the ones who think they can't change anything: Yes we can. Its OUR job to find good candidates and get them elected...don't leave it to the professionals, they obviously don't know what they are doing or we would not be the minority party ;) We can change the party...we have to do it though and quit talking about it. Get out and start knocking.
Everyone should know who their County/Precinct chairs are...if you don't then you need to stop and go figure that out TODAY! Once you figure it out, go chat with them or call them. GET INVOLVED!