claim"I had to turn up the sound on his answer and put it in text on the video because you might think he said I'm making that claim. But he is NOT. So even back about a week or so before the Iraq War he SAID he made no claim as to link between Saddam and 9/11.
Have to add this to my growing collection of clips where Bush repeatedly denies that there's a link or denies that he ever said there was. It's interesting to note, though, if you look at that press conference at how often he and Blair conflate WMD and terrorism together. Blair is the one who, in the press conference, links them together.
"And I would like to praise his leadership in the world since September the 11th, particularly, on what I think are the two key issues that face our world today -- which are issues of international terrorism and weapons of mass destruction. And I think both of those issues come together because they threaten the peace and the order and the stability of the world.
And what is essential is that in every respect, in every way that we can we mobilize international support and the international community, in order to make sure that these twin threats that the world faces are dealt with. And I have no doubt at all that we can deal with them. But we should realize those two threats -- terrorism, weapons of mass destruction -- are not different, they're linked. "