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Wall Street Journal: New Cellphone Services Put God on the Line
March 27, 2006; Page B1

Companies are offering religious-themed cellphones and services. A phone with Christian content from Good News (left), a "kosher" phone modified by MIRS Communications, and one for Muslims from Ilkone Mobile Telecommunication.
In late 2004, an ultra-Orthodox rabbi asked Abrasha Burstyn, the chief executive of a small Israeli cellphone company, for a phone that could put the secular world on hold.
Cellphone companies, at the time, had started to load their products with entertainment features, and the rabbi wanted none of it. He was in search of a phone without Internet capabilities or text messaging. He didn't want cameras, music downloading, or anything else that could "distract" the pious. He was looking for a device that could make and receive calls. Period.
Mr. Burstyn, 58 years old, soon found that many other Jews were hunting for similar, simpler cellphones. "They are listening to the rabbis," Mr. Burstyn says. Last March his company, MIRS Communications Ltd., rolled out its first batch of "kosher" phones stripped down of all features but basic voice service. The company's phones, which are available only in Israel, have attracted 20,000 subscribers.
It is just one sign that the global cellphone market has found God. At a time when consumers are being inundated with offers to receive wireless sports updates, interactive games and more, Mr. Burstyn and other entrepreneurs are catering to customers looking for cellphones and related services that satisfy spiritual, rather than entertainment needs.
Companies are selling devices and services such as Christian ringtones and phones with timers that remind Muslims of prayer time. A Pittsburgh company named Jireh Business Development has even introduced a service called JirehMobile that sells what it calls "holy hip-hop" ring tones....