decided two years ago to do the right thing, and decided to have a union-only shop. This wasn't an easy decision for him, as Alaska is a "right to work" state, and there's a lot of work out there that goes to the lowest bidder. Needless to say, a union shop cannot compete with that. He thought, however, that he could land enough federal and Bacon-Davis jobs to make up for the low-bid jobs that he could no longer get.
To make the story short, he is going to have to "reorganize" or go out of business. It seems he didn't have the connections to land those jobs that would pay enough to justify union wages. I emphasize the "connections" part, because the union worked very hard with him to try and keep things going.
The corporate culture in the US doesn't stop at Halliburton or Bechtel. It extends all the way into federal and state contracts. It's union busting all the way. NAFTA helped.
I will say this much - he has hired a few non-union laborers on non-union jobs, primarily for cleanup work, etc. He paid much more than minimum wage, and doesn't know if the workers were legal or not - and didn't care, because they arrived on the jobsite in cold weather, on foot, from the local homeless shelter.
It's corporate America that is killing this country. I'm doing all I can to ensure that my spouse and family and I can live sustainably in the near future - because we're all going to have to, when the jobs are gone.