There are things worse than plagiarism, or the accusations thereof. Personal betrayal, for one. Threats of violence. Smearing a man's family. I am not an ink-stained wretch, so I beg forgiveness at the writers who may take umbrage at this statement, but the sum total of what was done to Ben Domenech this week is a thousandfold worse than plagiarism.
I don't agree with the positions taken by Rick Moran and Patrick Frey. But I can at least understand them. They don't know Ben, so it's easy for them to criticize a faceless blogger in order to take an abstract position against the monstrous actions he stands accused of. Misguided, yes. Treacherous, no.
It is entirely another matter, however, to know the man, to have worked with the man, and feel the irrepressible urge to show your fair-mindedness, to strut your reasonableness, to tell it like it is, sister! -- friendship be damned. All this before your former colleague has had the opportunity to speak.
Michelle Malkin -- for shame.
Malkin is where she is because her writing has a certain acidic quality lacking in most blogs of the mainstream right. She's Coulter Lite -- a guilty pleasure we can't count on to rhetorically rip the guts out of the America-haters.
She's also an opportunist, and I mean that in every possible sense of the word. While she covers a handful of topics in depth, her style is the blogging equivalent of "If it bleeds, it leads." If it gets the juices flowing, if it gets that Sitemeter cranking like there's no tomorrow, I can instantly guarantee you that Malkin is all over it.
Until today, we thought that was just her blogging. How wrong we were.
Beware befriending Malkin. Because the moment something goes wrong, you will be thrown under the bus. You will be judged before you have a chance to speak. And whatever mea-culpa you offer will be judged inadequate for 120,000 readers to see.
I regret asking Malkin to speak out. And no one is asking her to say things she doesn't believe. Given her personal relationship with Ben, a recusal would have been perfectly in order.
But she just had to score the point, didn't she?
Dear Michelle Malkin,
First, let me begin by saying I've never liked you, so I'm biased.
Believe it or not, it's not for all the reasons you claim people don't like you. I think you are beautiful, so it's not jealousy. If I'm going to be jealous, trust me, it's going to be over someone like Angelina Jolie.
It's not because of your heritage/culture/etc. I could care less. I couldn't tell you what mine is and I'm a mutt so I can get away with it.
Frankly, it's because you bore me. Truth be told, for someone that is so smart, I expect you to say more and pad less. And to be wittier about it.
Perhaps what bothers me the most is that, of all the attributes I thought you might have, the one I had the highest expectation of was that of loyalty.