Hell, the government is under complete control of the oil companies, and has been to a greater or lesser extent for the past thirty years. One reason that Carter got such bad press is that he dared to do the unthinkable, ask people to conserve energy.
As to why they don't change, hell, same reason why the British didn't get out of their coal economy until it was too late, it's still easy money, and they are short sighted. Oil companies don't pay for our armed forces, the men and machines that go to war, you and I do. But big oil certainly does benefit from them, and the scarcer the resource becomes, the higher the price they can charge, and thus set even more record profit numbers.
It is all about the money. Switching to wind and solar wouldn't make them as much money. Both forms of energy have pretty long life spans, twenty years or more. That does not put money into the pockets of oil companies. Neither does biodiesel or ethanol, that puts money into the pockets of farmers. Sure, they could rethink, retool, and remake themselves as alternative energy companies, but that costs a lot of money, which they are unwilling to spend, especially when they can get their pet government to go take over a sovereign country and pump oil from there.
And sadly, they're going to keep herding most of the American public down this path to destruction, and by the time the American public realizes what's going on, it will be too late. The only hope we have is in doing for ourselves. Each and every one of us start putting up solar panels, wind turbines, biodiesel, etc. Start using the market forces against the oil companies, then they'll change. But that will take a huge grassroots movement, and given the current climate it probably won't happen. But hey, when gas hits five or six bucks a gallon, people might be more willing to listen:shrug: