Edited on Tue Mar-28-06 08:20 PM by brainshrub
This is for those of you following my DU Journal: Brainshrub - Best. Journal. Ever! (Tips for political bloggers.)
I want to encourage all serious bloggers to consider volunteering as a moderator for DU.
There are three events that were pivotal to how I write for my own blog:
1) I used to be a moderator for DU. 2) Three weeks in a ditch in Texas. 3) A conversation I had with EarlG in September of 2005
I will talk about #2 and #3 some other time, but for now I want to discuss what it is like to moderate for DU - and why the experience is valuable for up-and-coming bloggers.
Being a DU Mod will give you a birds-eye view to the progressive movement in a way that simply can't be explained.
You will learn what causes flame-wars, and how to handle them without getting drawn in. You will learn how to deal with trolls. (And see how useless trolling is.) You will make friends with other bloggers, and they will give you sage advice. You will learn what kind of writing piques peoples interest, and what is counter-productive.
But most importantly, you will learn that what you write is *gasp* read by people! I know that sounds obvious, but so often bloggers (And DUers) forget that the person you are talking to has feelings. Until you have to deal with hurt and offended people one-on-one, you don't understand what effect your writing has on other people.
You will also learn that, at the end of the day, DU is not the be-all-end-all of the Liberal blogosphere. No matter how intense a conversation is to you, within 48 hours, most people will have forgotten about it.
Yet, conversely, you will also learn that while threads may die - your online reputation is has a tremendous influence on how people respond to your writing.
If anything, being a DU mod will make you a more considerate, and honest, writer because you will get a glimpse of the long-term effect that your writing has on others.
It is my opinion that all bloggers should spend a few months modding their favorite forums. You will only gain from the experience.
Paul -V- www.brainshrub.com
ON EDIT: Past or present mods, please feel free to weigh in here about what you have learned.