this is a post you will not like - but it may be truth - and
truth is essential to happiness - you are totally dependent on
realism for your happiness - you should mine this post for
nuggets of truth regardless of the pleasantness or otherwise
of these points - is the pleasantness of a point a good
criterion of the truth [=happiness-potential] of a point? - if
you are hospitable only to pleasant points, will you get the
truth and all the happiness that is possible for you, when
happiness is totally dependent on truth? - there is no unreal
happiness - the circle or set of happiness is totally inside
the circle or set of truth or reality
are you working on a problem or only on a symptom? - will you
be swept away in the flood of the problem even if you succeed
at your goal of taking down a corrupt admin?
a long way from the leaf of the corrupt admin, but the source
of it, is the super hyper extreme overpay/underpay - pay from
$1 to $1,000,000,000 a fortnight - the 1% overpaid stealing
US$70 trillion a year, and the violence and anger that that
theft naturally, inevitably generates
the problem wont go away just because you dont feel like
dealing with it - reality is inexorable - do you feel: hey,
im doing something good, why criticise? - only because i know
[or am going to assume] you want to maximise your happiness -
chop down a poisonous tree or tug at a poisonous leaf on the
tree? - 'there are a 1000 [a billion] striking at the branches
of the tree of problems for every one who is striking at the
root' [henry thoreau, america's greatest thinker] - this is a
human tragedy - condemned to suffering from the tree of
problems forever because you put your energy at the branch or
leaf - the same energy put at the root would bring the whole
tree down permanently -
if all the nuclear bombs and the possibility of making nuclear
bombs, and the corrupt admin, disappeared today, we will still
be buried under the endless and ever-escalating violence
generated by superoverpay and superunderpay - money is good,
very very good, it is the means to obtain all necessities, as
well as satisfy millions of desires, so war over theft of it
is never going to stop till the legal supertheft is made
illegal, until there is a counterbalance to the richgetricher
and ever more tyrannical and corrupt and heartless - by a
simple law making superoverfortunes go to the most
superunderpaid [robbed and disempowered]
take the trouble and pain to see the tree, and you will save
yourself vast, giant endless troubles
chopping the tree is effective, it is safer, it is permanent
tugging at leaves like the corrupt admin is ineffective in
removing the tree of millions of problems that spring from
superoverunderpay and its violence, is dangerous, is
difficult, is not permanent [difficulty is proportional to the
ratio of their power to hide their deeds and your power to
reveal their deeds, which is proportional to the ratio of the
money they and you have - enormous difficulty - remove their
super-overpower first by limiting fortunes to the maximum one
person can earn and save in a lifetime [around US$2 million] -
and give that to the most underpaid, destroying both tyranny
and underpaid anger/violence/revenge -
pay from a million times to 1000th of the average pay! - it
has to be faced - it is the root problem, source of all
problems [99+% of problems] - result of 1000s of years of
uncontrolled richgetricher and more powerful - why would any
sane people allow any one of themselves to get a million times
more powerful than the average? - money is power, power
corrupts - no one can work more than twice as hard as the
average [there are only 100 working hours a week, or less] -
why be blind to the enormous danger of paying up to a million
times the average?
the american dream was based on limitation of fortunes - the
first thing the founding fathers did after the decl of indep
was take steps to prevent unlimited fortunes - defeated by the
lack of consciousness/vigilance/awareness of the people of the
absolute importance of limiting fortunes in order to limit
power and corruption, tyranny and undemocracy - i say: return
to the essence of the american dream of a land of the free:
limited fortunes, because contribution of each by work is
limited not unlimited
overpay makes underpay makes violence makes bombs makes
extinction soon
are you going to get rid of a corrupt admin in only one
country and watch the world dissolve into global snowstorm,
nuclear winter? - will failing to look big enough kill you? -
yes, it will - ants in a tree take steps to save their tree
from the effects of a flood, but do nothing to stop the flood
- they are swept away
would anyone in the world design a social system with people
paid from X to 1,000,000,000X units of money per unit of work?
- no - so everyone already has enough sense not to approve of
the present state of things - so it shouldn't be impossible to
get majority agreement on this, to prevent the vast
unnecessary suffering of underpaid and overpaid, and
extinction getting inevitably closer
attack [from both overpaid and underpaid] is proportional to
the size of the overpay - the bear who collars all the honey
in the forest gets visited by all the bears, who are angry -
the overpaid fall fast and far - so history shows - save the
overpaid from the misery of trying and failing to prevent
their fall fast and far [ceausescu, french aristocracy around
1800] - save us all - get smart -