This is not about 9/11.. .it's about the controlled media. Please read this and do what is suggested. This is about reclaiming the truth.....and the nation.
9/11 Truth Calling Oprah!
An Appeal from
For more than five years now, the entire mainstream corporate news media apparatus has been controlled by a handful of behind-the-scene power brokers. In all that time there has been a total blackout on any mention, never mind discussion, of the truth behind the events of 9/11.
Despite their credibility and expertise, high-powered and extremely convincing voices of truth have been denied access to the public via the mainstream media. In the years following the attacks of 9/11, a significant number of knowledgeable people have attempted to alert the nation about the mountain of evidence that has been unearthed by their investigations, and which shoots large holes in the ‘official’ version of events sold to an unsuspecting and unquestioning public.
These people include former Bush administration officials, CIA analysts, FBI whistleblowers, scholars, academics, theologians and eye witnesses to the events of that tragic day. Not one of these people has been allowed to present his or her individual and collective conclusions that the Bush administration was either totally negligent or fully complicit or in the events of 9/11.
The media blacklisting of any and all members of the independent 9/11 truth community, no matter how impressive his or her credentials, has resulted in widespread ignorance of the huge number of anomalies and inconsistencies in the official version. No questions have been allowed to be raised, and not one shred of evidence that refutes the official version has been presented to the viewing or reading public anywhere but on the Internet.
Recent events, however, suggest that there may be a breach in this wall of silence. It seems that the only way for the 9/11 truth movement to attract the attention of the public is for well-known individuals in the entertainment arena to come forward and demand the truth.
Sad but true, a large number of Americans believe nothing until they see it on TV! There can be no question about the enormous influence and effect of television broadcasting on public opinion, a very frightening fact in these troubled and dangerous times. It was exactly for that reason that I created and dedicated these past years to exposing the lies and deception emanating from our broadcast news industry. And that is why I now am calling for help from one of TV’s most popular and respected performers.Full article: