And that's Yikes as in "YIKES!"
Far Right Lunatics are trying to impose their control on America.
It's time to put a stop to that.
During Schiavo-Gate, the media reported that a man named Randall Terry had become a spokesman for the Schiavo family.
Did the media report that Terry is an Anti-Choice activist?
Did the media report that Terry is an Extremist who has been quoted as saying the following, "Our goal is a Christian nation. ... We have a biblical duty, we are called by God to conquer this country. We don't want equal time. We don't want pluralism. ... Theocracy means God rules. I've got a hot flash. God rules."?
Did the media report that one of Terry's followers was convicted of murder?
And NO. media will not be our ally as long as they selectively report the news and treat rabid extremists with kid gloves.
Far Right Lunatics will not aid ANYONE in a battle against terrorists, all they advocate is collective punishment and rhetoric which provides fodder for terrorists.
AND, that's not even including the Far Right Lunatics who are terrorists themselves.
It's time to help America and the World steer clear from going off of the edge with Extremism and instead go up into the skies with Progress.
Let's make this revolution happen and get America saying "YIKES!" when it comes to RW Extremists.