I will never forgive the contemptible scumbag for calling 13 year old Chelsea Clinton the "White House dog", simply because he disagreed with her father's politics. Now Pig Boy has decided to take a few shots at 16 year old Michelle Wie for having the audacity to occasionally compete against men on the PGA tour. Apparently teen-age girls are exactly the fat junkie's speed. Maybe someone should explain to chubby that Wie competes on a Sponsor's Exemption. This is granted because she puts butts in the stands. It is totally market-driven. One would think that the quintessential corporate greed-head would understand such a concept, but I guess the opportunity to trot out his tired old bromides about "feminazis" was too tough to resist.
I've tried to compile a list of topics on which Limbaugh might be qualified to comment. Pro Football? How'd that work out for you at ESPN, Rushie? Golf? Have you ever seen his swing? Military strategy? Two words: anal cysts. Divorce? Hmmmm. Drug Addiction? OK, I'll give him the last two, but on any other subject, shut the fuck up, lard ass.
http://www.badgolfer.com/departments/features/rush-limbaugh-radio-king-golf-2124.htm(It's a puff piece, but not even journalistic fellatio can hide the sheer, chauvinistic, ass-holery (?) of this pus-gutted prick.)