It's okay if Kaloogian does it, but Rather takes someone else's letter...
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Wed Mar-29-06 02:23 PM
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It's okay if Kaloogian does it, but Rather takes someone else's letter... |
well, that's enough to destroy him.
Any word from freepers yet? I haven't found any.
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Wed Mar-29-06 02:25 PM
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Loogie-boy is a republican, people expect him to lie. even his own supporters.
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Wed Mar-29-06 02:25 PM
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2. Their thread was deleted... |
the mouthbreathers were raggin on us, saying it was a lie, that was really Baghdad. When it was proven, the thread disappeared. :)
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Wed Mar-29-06 02:52 PM
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that Republicans are less troubled by hypocrisy than normal people are.
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Thu Mar 13th 2025, 05:50 AM
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