He's just recycling the same lie.. only with FAKE pictures this time:..Not even his OWN pics..
SoCalDem (1000+ posts) Wed Mar-29-06 04:54 AM
Response to Original message
17. Not the FIRST time Kaloogian "got lost"
http://www.haloscan.com/comments.php?user=crooks&commen... snip
Right! I thought that rang a bell. The GOP slimeball who ran the CA Republican Assembly races refered to this organization a while back. I'll paste it here because Matt "bin Ladin (D)" is famous for, er, editing his work:
Where was it actually?
Howard Kaloogian was nice enough to e-mail me from Athens to let me know that I "had my facts wrong again". The facts came right from his press release.
He claims to be in his hotel room in Kuwait City but the press release clearly states that he was 'en route from Baghdad , Iraq to Kuwait City, Kuwait". See his own press release below.
Which is it? I can tell you that the highway from Baghdad to Kuwait City is a very different place than the nice hotels that are in Kuwait City.
The Honorable Howard Kaloogian
(State Assemblyman 1994 - 2000, 74th Assembly District)
Thursday, July 14, 2005
Contact: Sal Russo - (916) 441-3734 or srusso@rmrwest.com
Kaloogian to Announce For 50th Congressional Seat
Upon learning of the decision of Congressman Duke Cunningham not to seek re-election, the Honorable Howard Kaloogian, who served as State Assemblyman for northern San Diego County from 1994-2000, will soon formally announce his candidacy for the 50th Congressional district.
"I will be officially announcing my candidacy once I have returned from my mission of supporting our troops in Iraq," Kaloogian said.
Kaloogian is currently traveling from Baghdad, Iraq to Kuwait City, Kuwait in his capacity as Chairman of Move America Forward
(www.MoveAmericaForward.org ) - a non-profit organization that supports American troops and their mission to fight the forces of terrorism.
posted on Monday, July 18, 2005 8:12 AM
Note, this front organization lays astroturf for congressional candidate Kaloogian. It seems to be fully integrated with RMR consultants.
Pacific John | Homepage | 08.25.05 - 12:56 am | #
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