Now that's entertainment
http://www.signonsandiego.com/uniontrib/20060130/news_1m30letter.htmlJanuary 30, 2006
Just when you're sure you can't stomach one more piece of political propaganda, along comes something worth its weight in entertainment value.
We refer to the fundraising letter that congressional candidate Howard Kaloogian recently circulated to supporters. Kaloogian, a former state assemblyman, is running in the coming special election to replace disgraced former Rep. Randy “Duke” Cunningham in the 50th District. One would think Kaloogian might want to get some distance from Cunningham, the Rancho Santa Fe Republican who has pleaded guilty to conspiracy and bribery charges. Instead, Kaloogian has this to say about the guy who used his public office to steer federal business to defense contractors in return for gifts and money: Democrats “want to weaken the war effort by turning a seat that had been held by a decorated Naval fighter ace . . . into one held by a strident opponent of Operation Iraqi Freedom,” writes the Republican Kaloogian, a San Marcos resident. His “anti-war” candidate is none other than Democrat Francine Busby, who won less than 40 percent of the vote in her 2004 match against Cunningham and who is running again.
To prevent this horrid scenario, Kaloogian asks in his Jan. 20 missive that at least 100 supporters quickly send $120 to his campaign chest. Then Kaloogian runs himself ragged with hyperbole, saying his candidacy places him in a “national battle between not just the Republicans and Democrats, but between those who believe in pursuing a path of victory in the war on terrorism and those who believe America should surrender and apologize to those we've somehow offended.”
Those darned Democrats, always waving their little white flags.
One bit of political propaganda that Kaloogian likely didn't appreciate was the recent announcement by some congressional Republicans that they are supporting one of Kaloogian's competitors in the GOP primary – former Rep. Brian Bilbray.
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