This survey is the reason the President is allowed to stay in office: think that the President has done something so obviously wrong that people, if educated about the US Constitution and the freedoms & rights of our people, would put that sucker out of office. It wouldn't even need to be partisan. It could be completely independent and balanced; that's how bad the situation is! So my idea is that the various networks would pull an inter-network move; like Michael Jacksons' (don't go there) "Black or White" music video. It could be covered like the Presidential debates. Hopefully we would get a few million more people. This might increase public awareness of the Constitution and how it protects them. It would be during a popular time-slot so that people would watch it. It would try to get as many networks as possible even basic cable ones. What do you all think about this idea? If you like it, I'll do my best to pester the networks to do it. Obviously I'll need help, and maybe we could do a letter writing campaign.