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Poisoning Public To Hate Illegal Aliens Is Not Solving The Problem

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Home » Discuss » Archives » General Discussion (01/01/06 through 01/22/2007) Donate to DU
AlphaCentauri Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Mar-30-06 11:26 AM
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Poisoning Public To Hate Illegal Aliens Is Not Solving The Problem
I don't think thats an American tradition.

Those privileged to have gone to Philets schools , this is what is learned about criticism: First, it is an Art. Second, it is an Art never to be used by the ignorant and the pretender of knowledge to poison the public. <1>

A boilerplate of controversial issues arising from the Lower House immigration reform bill now pending in the Senate has triggered an explosion of contentious criticisms. The most disquieting of them all are those written to poison the public into hating immigrants and illegal aliens in the country. It exacerbates instead of solves our immigration problems. Illegal alien treatment is at the crossroad of these problems.

Attitudinal murder in the treatment of undocumented immigrants does not address the problem, nor will it ever solve the problem. It is irrational to act one’s anger on others or cure one’s corked hatred with savagery, especially resentment that had metastasized to some kind of neurosis. The fact that these are coming out not only from the ignorant but also from the learned, made it doubly alarming.

The American public is often times confronted with criticism from the ignorant, which is more amusing than disturbing. For instance, “e-mail critics” at large who posed the questions in the Web why illegal aliens are allowed to enter the country and why shouldn’t we shoot them dead if found to be illegally staying in this country to avoid the cost of litigation since as violators of our immigration laws they do not deserve a day in Court, really – to use the street slang of the unschooled and the vulgar-- sucks!!

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sui generis Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Mar-30-06 11:39 AM
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1. hey hey hey
If we as democrats don't actually fasten the end of this mighty rope to something, it won't matter that the republicans just put their own head in a noose and jumped off their soapbox.

They'll just land on their feet and carry on as usual.

We need to help them meet their political maker on this one. Answer me this: what is the official democratic position on the issue? What is our proposed solution?

Can we answer that? If we don't know yet what the "official party line" is on this then we're going to lose yet again.

I know what I think, but I don't know if we have the cojones to do what's necessary. I for one will be stapling up color printouts all over "the hood" with a picture of KBH and Cornyn and a clearly visible writing that says,

"These Republicans Want to Send Your Family Back to Mexico" Vote for America. Vote Democrat."
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Democrats_win Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Mar-30-06 11:41 AM
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2. 24-7 on immigration: Wake me when its over.
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rustydog Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Mar-30-06 11:51 AM
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3. Republicans can't hope to win mid-terms on their record
Iraq, soaring deficits, recently raised deficit ceiling, shrinking middle class, republican scandals, retarded president...
so they have to have a diversion that also divides Americans in a bitter fight.

It is what the GOP does to win. they never will run on the real issues because they are the cause of those issues: Enormous debt, criminal republicans taking bribes,lobbyists showing Republicans how to steal,Republicans trying to change the constitution so their "leader" won't be breaking the law...

Would you want to run with that history chained to your born-again unforgiving heart?
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Trillo Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Mar-30-06 12:01 PM
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4. Pointing toward the end....
From Op's excerpt: "why should’t we shoot them dead if found to be illegally staying in this country to avoid the cost of litigation since as violators of our immigration laws they do not deserve a day in Court"

How about because you shouldn't kill people if you don't want to be killed yourself? Or how about because murder is against the law?

We have a huge problem with the Chief Unitary Executive in the country not only feeling like he's above the law, but also, actually flouting the laws with apparent impunity and daring Congress or anyone else to stop him. This is now the example that some others, perhaps the unschooled and vulgar, will follow. In some ways it is like a snowball rolling down the hill, getting larger and moving faster. We are witnessing the breakdown of law and order, and where this will lead other than collapse of civilization, when so many other issues pointing in the same breakdown direction are converging in our immediate timeline, is hard to imagine.
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