Immigration and globalization...
Read this publication and recoil in horror as I did.
The IIE board includes David Rockefeller, Harvard President Larry Summers and long-time Rockefeller agents Paul Volcker and Pete Peterson. These guys are globalists (New World Order types) in case you didn't know.
This file is copy protected so I cannot cut and paste. What they more or less propose is integrating the US, Canada and Mexico. I heard a report on CNN that said they hope to accomplish this by 2010. They said there would be new governing bodies. First is the North American Commision to be appointed by government, but independent of government (you know...no oversight and probably more or less secret...like CIFIUS). These guys are the planners.
Then they propose making a group called the North American Parliamentary Group (NAPG) which would be comprised of legislators from all three countries. That sounds icky to me.
They also suggest a new currency, the "Amero". You guys will see...the dollar will collapse like it did in the late '70s. Fuel, gold, silver and other commodities will go through the roof in the next year. I suspect this new currency will be introduced to 'save the day'. Never mind that fiat currency is a way to steal wealth from the people who don't understand the system of money, wealth and finance (as the Rockefellars do).
Globalization is the same as the New World Order. Slowly but surely, they don't want individual countries. Once there's a world government, with today's technology, they can impose a world tyranny that will be hard to beat. I believe that's their aim, but they have to break America down first. They need to keep making us more poor and less educated. They have to reduce wages. They need to encourage Mexican immigration. You see, US citizens don't want to merge with Mexico, so in order to merge us, they're encouraging Mexicans to relocate!! Vincente Fox is doing exactly that (with the back door blessings of our power elite).
So, this isn't just about cheap labor and corporations. Its way way more insidious. Its about the undoing of America and taking away our sovereign status as an independent country. Canada has similarly been sold out (and with a little googling, you'll see many are unhappy about it). Heck, Quebec doesn't even want to be part of Canada, how are they going to cope with being part of the US and Mexico too!!
The new world order is real. I'm just not convinced they're devil worshipers (which is what the conspiracy web pages alledge).