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DNC: Toll free number and radio ads to help displaced New Orleanians vote

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Home » Discuss » Archives » General Discussion (01/01/06 through 01/22/2007) Donate to DU
madfloridian Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Mar-30-06 04:24 PM
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DNC: Toll free number and radio ads to help displaced New Orleanians vote
I say this is a great thing. Very happy to see this.

WASHINGTON, March 30 /U.S. Newswire/ -- In an effort to help displaced New Orleanians exercise their right to vote, Democratic National Committee (DNC) Chairman Howard Dean and DNC Voting Rights Institute Chair Donna Brazile today announced a Get-Out- The-Vote plan for the municipal elections on Saturday, April 22.

After Hurricane Katrina, tens of thousands of New Orleans residents were displaced from their homes and they now live elsewhere in Louisiana and neighboring states. Due to the hurricane, more than 100 polling places were destroyed and consolidated into a smaller number of precincts. These problems could potentially prevent New Orleans residents the opportunity to vote in an election that will determine the future of their city.

The plan features a new toll free number, 1-888-DEM-VOTE or 1- 888-336-8683, which provides New Orleanians now living in Louisiana and neighboring states critical information about: 1) the process to request an absentee ballot application, 2) new polling locations in New Orleans, and 3) early voting satellite locations elsewhere in Louisiana.

To publicize the new toll free number, the DNC will start running advertisements and Public Service Announcements (PSAs) next week on African-American radio stations in Houston, Atlanta, and Baton Rouge. These ads, which will air during the next few weeks prior to the election, were recorded by New Orleans native Donna Brazile.

"The right to vote is one of the most fundamental and precious rights in any Democracy. This new toll free number will help all New Orleans voters cast their ballot and have their vote counted," said DNC Chairman Dean. "Democrats believe every effort must be made to provide all the necessary information about the elections to all Orleans Parish voters, whether they are currently in or out of the state."

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madfloridian Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Mar-30-06 04:28 PM
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1. Public service ads to run in Houston, Atlanta, and Baton Rouge next week.
"Text of Radio Ad No. 1: Absentee Ballot

For audio of this ad, please insert the following link in your browser:

You may have lost your home. You may have even lost a loved one. But you have not lost your right to vote.

Hi, this is Donna Brazile.

If you are a displaced resident from New Orleans and were registered to vote before Hurricane Katrina, you have the right to vote in the April 22nd elections.

If you have not received an application for an absentee ballot please call our toll free number 1-888-D-E-M-VOTE to have one mailed to your current address.

In order to vote you must mail your application request before Tuesday April 18th. Again the number is 1-888-DEM-VOTE or 1-888- 336-8683. Don't give up your right to vote."

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madfloridian Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Mar-30-06 04:59 PM
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2. Kick for helping to make it easier for those misplaced.
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