At a photo op with idiot son Shrub, he was asked what deal he would be trying for with said idiot son Shrub about the immigration issue. I didn't hear the reporter's question, whether the verb was "ask" or "demand" or whatever. FOX said (my paraphrase from memory), "No deal (or dealing) will be made here. The issue will be dealt with, is being dealt with right now in the Congress of the United States."
There has been some broad brush bashing of FOX over the immigration issue, but he was elected as an alternative to the old, corrupt party (I'm not saying he actually cleaned things up), he resisted the Shrub pressure to join the Iraq Attack on the grounds that it was a violation of another nation's sovereignty (uh-oh), and just personally he behaves with a level of dignity that makes Shrub's idiot boy persona that much more stark.
I say "uh-oh" in talking about his (& Mexico's in general) emphasis on respect for the sovereignty of all nations because I can see the anti-immigrants flaming on how his encouraging his constituents to emigrate here is a violation of U.S. sovereignty. :shrug: