didn't mean that I didn't know the word's definition, I did have to look it up in google. There was only one result from the search engine, from Princeton's Wordnet. That is a commentary about the infrequent use of the word. I just thought it was interesting to note. I am trying to get all the little things I can to figure the President out to see if he is planning anything, and little stupid clues like that are helpful because they make me wonder if he is really dumb or acting that way. I mean if I was a guy trying to take over America, I'd play dumb so people wouldn't take me seriously.
There are sometimes when I have thoughts about why he hasn't pounced already if he is going to do that. It seems to me that if he really is taking over the country, he probably could. Maybe, he is just trying to gain power but is not actually going for the whole shebang. I just don't know at this point.
Really out everything I worry about when it comes to internal threats I worry about crazies on our side and the Republican side. There are always criminals in every population. If we don't stop attacking each other in this country some nutcase will take it too far and kill someone. I think the Republicans are far more militant than us, so it would probably be one of them who starts it. I really am worried that said terrorism could spark the taking away of more American freedoms and it might shift focus from Arabs and Muslims alone to all Americans. That worries me. This radicalism would be like what happened in Kansas after the Kansas-Nebraska act.
Here is a link to an article about that act:
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kansas-Nebraska_ActHere is a link to Bleeding Kansas the violence caused by the passage of that act, and what is considered the first violence of the Civil War:
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bleeding_KansasThis should be a look into the abyss for our country, we need to stop being so vengeful, even if we are right.
The preceding should not be taken as a threat of violence in breach of this site rules, nor in violation of any federal or state code. It is a prediction aimed a stopping any sort of violence.