...another bill in one of the states pushing "Life begins at fertilization" Bills, how about we do them one better (or more ridiculous actually)?
How about:
"Life begins at Copulation!"
The Anti-Choice lunatics seem to think it's O.K. to tell us what we can and can't do in the privacy of our bedrooms, so how about we find a State legislator to propose a Bill that makes it illegal for "Traditionally Married People" to have
"Casual Sex!?!" The new LAW: If you have sex without the intention of producing a new life, you're breaking the law!
Hey, it's no more ridiculous than claiming that a fertilize, single cell zygote, still in the fallopian tube and yet travel to, and be implanted in the uterus, is a guaranteed new life that deserves the protection of a State Law, is it?:shrug:
And think about all those millions of
"Potential Lives" inside every man! Maybe their should be a Law for
NOT having sex!:think:
For anyone not up on Human reproductive biology, here's some great links to the fully interactive website
"The Visible Embryo"
So, who can we get to propose this new, even more ridiculous Law!?!? :shrug::evilgrin: