I am not attempting to be radical, I am attempting to prevent violence, and thusly tyranny. Debt could be apportioned to the population of the states broken off. Each person would have to carry the approx 30,000 we owe each, when the new nation was formed the debt could be nationalized. The assets would be divided along with the territory. Non-territorial assets would apportion based upon the percentage of population in each new country. On that matter of Balkanization I think that it is inevitable that people have difference of opinion. I think that for a while this would occur. I think however the differences would be about reconcilable things. There unfortunately would have to be a mass migration of people from states wherein it was settled that certain a culture or nation would have jurisdiction, and those people did not wish to be apart of that jurisdiction. People would have to weigh their happiness with the economics of the matter. They may have to be a relocation board.
This appears at first to be very radical, but it will in the long run prevent great loss. Stability has been declining, I had been preparing a document similar to this one which actually was less radical and called for a second President or even a executive council, but I saw a silly little thing that convinced me this has to happen. Bob Beckel was talking on Hannity and Colmes (don't rib me now) and he was talking about how he had suffered death threats. Then I think it was Sean said it was apart of the business and that Beckel wasn't special. I realized they were both right to some degree. There are always a bunch of nuts out there that will go crazy and stalk someone, but I have a feeling both Hannity and Beckell had received more threats than non-partisan figures. I started think about terrorism and how we got to al-Qaeda and 9/11. I realized that even though most of the population is just having fun scoring points on the other side, that there are those crazies out there who make death threats. What would America be like if those people started carrying out terrorist attacks? It would be far worse than al-Qaeda; why? Think about it, with al-Qaeda people, if they don't live in a big city, don't need to worry much about terrorism. Liberal Kansas isn't going to get hit by terrorists, they make think so, but it ain't happenin'. However, domestic terrorism could happen anywhere at any time. People couldn't live their lives fearing terrorism all the time.
The people would try to give up more and more freedoms to protect themselves from the domestic terrorists, and this would eventually lead to someone taking over this country and making it a dictatorship. (Many think this is happening now with threat from al-Qaeda, it is certain to happen if this scenario is to come true.) The violence doesn't even have to go beyond a couple of nuts each year, just a few, that is the problem. I don't really think that most normal people want war or terrorism so they would be shocked away by this violence, but that wouldn't change enough of the radicals.
Of course this may not happen and the violence could escalate much in the way it did after Bleeding Kansas (
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bleeding_Kansas ). Really bad.
Or we could resolve the issues. I think that this is impossible because they are yes and no kinds of things. Either you have abortion or you don't. Now, there are people in either party who share mixed beliefs, but there is historical precedent for these mixed beliefs having little impact.
Look at the American Revolution from Britain. I mean, really, if you look at some the issues it was just a bunch of old white men who were pissed off because they had to pay taxes. Some of the concerns were very valid however.
We can look at the cultural divide today (which is the primary issue) and compare that to the divide between the USA and Britain. The first Americans were religious extremists. They were, don't go there with me. They made the British look like party-boys. They were only the first and soon followed more "normal" kinds of people and the society in America turned away from extremism and as it did so, it also diverged from that of Britain. Americans developed their own lives, their own accent, own language in some senses, own food, and their own political ideologies. Britain tried to repress them and in fact didn't take them seriously (when Ben Franklin went to Britain he was treated as a country bumpkin.) This drove America away from Britain. There was a sort of culture war. There were some people in the colonies that supported Britain, but the vast majority of people eventually turned against them.
This is much like the cultural divergence in America today. I personally believe cultural divergence is one of the unresolved issues of the Civil War. Just look at the debate over the Confederate flag as an example. There are people who believe it represents their culture, and there are people who believe it represents slavery. Look at all the silly conservative talk shows about the "war on Christmas." The thing is that it really doesn't matter if there is a war on Christmas, if people think there is one it is a part of their culture. To some degree people are more secular these days that is if they live in big cities. This is the divide. Urban vs. Rural. A lot of people hate country music if they live in the city and don't take it seriously; country folks love it and are offended when people insult it. This is just like Ben Franklin when he went to Britain. Cultural devaluation is a catalyst for cultural divergence. Simply put, if you don't like something you don't listen to it, or read it, or in general participate in it. This has been happening for a while in America.
The real and recent problem is political instability. Look at Bill Clinton's impeachment. Look at the 2000 election. Look at how conservatives are lock step on 99% of the issues. Now, Democrats are also becoming lock step. The factions have divided and are radicalizing as we speak. That brings me back to the Beckel Hannity & Colmes bit. These people were being completely calm, but they were completely outraged at each other. If the calm people feel that way, what about the nuts? I just am very worried about this. Screw al-Qaeda, we may have a freakin' Civil War. You know how awful that would be? Iraq in America people. The horror (I don't mean that at comically.) I just wish we would back away from this radicalism, but it isn't just that simple. Dr. King, a man of peace, said people should be judged upon their character not their skin color. I take that to mean that people should judge each other because of their ideals, not because of stupid irrelevant differences. This isn't about that though. These are ideas we are talking about not just arbitrary physical differences. If there is only one thing in this world worth fighting for, it is what we believe in. Obviously Dr. King was non-violent, but he was dealing with a resolvable problem. If we remain in the same political system the only way this is to be resolved is through domination. This has been happening and will continue to happen. Domination may start with a D but it is not democratic. People, when they have chosen destinies far apart, must separate to get where they are going. We must separate, or face perpetual tyranny and unhappiness.
Hopefully the mere publicizing of this will cool people down. The core unresolved issues will still remain, I guess we would just be kicking the can down the road.