An acquaintance got this email the other night and forwarded it to me. Sure sounds like those Nigerian email from a couple years ago. Thought I'd pass it along to the class to be on the look-out for. I suspect we'll be seeing a lot more of this in the years ahead:
FROM: Sgt. Mark Ed
Important Message
Your attention pls
Good day,
I'm Mark Edward, US soldier serving in the military of the 1st Armored
Division in Iraq, As you know we are being attacked by
insurgentseveryday and car bombs. We managed to move funds belonging to
Saddam Hussein family.
I will appreciate if this money is moved to
you, in order to invest it forus while our share is kept in a safety
keep. 70% will be ours, while you take 30%. no strings attached, it is
now in a security Vaults in the UK,which makes it easier to handle
without any hitch anywhere. We plan on using diplomatic courier means
in shipping the funds to your receiving end, as it'll have a diplomatic
coverage.ThisTransaction is risk free and as a diplomatic immunity
where by the Consignment cannot be checked in any port of Entry or
If you are interested I will send you the full details, all i
want from you is to be a reliable partner that can be trusted, kin to
assist us. Can I trust you?When this letter gets to you, kindly send me
an e-mail signifying your Interest including your most confidential
telephone/fax numbers so as to expedite a speedy process also your
contact details. This business is riskfree.
Mark Ed
Maybe we can send the Freepers after Sgt. Mark Ed here...and he can show us those Weapons Of Mass Destruction, too.