Many DUers recall when we were in agreement 10% of the population. George W Bush's polls were about 78% at the time. But, with all the opposition, we endured. Today, 34% of the public agrees with George W Bush. They may not all agree with us but we are much higher than the 10% we experienced for so long.
With that in mind, we should remember those days with this censure hearing presently going on. We may seem like we are at 10% again but I don't think we should take that too seriously. The tide has turned in this country and this is not the last we will hear about this issue.
It may seem that the Democrats want to regain power but they don't seem to want the responsibility that goes with their job. Their job is investigate and find the truth and impeach the president if he breaks the law or is guilty of high crimes or misdemeanors. There is no doubt in many of our minds that there were high crimes or misdemeanors or both.
We have come a long way and we are not ready to go back.