"I'm watching Feingold's censure hearing on CSPAN. I watched you advocate dumping our Constitution in the trash. Funny how Bush's protection of the American people varies based on whether or not it's good for Bush. Where were his "inherent powers" to protect the American people when he violated the law to cram the ports deal down our throats? I PERSONALLY remember news stories about Israel publically warning the American people about a pending attack prior to 9/11 - which caused a diplomatic furor at the time - where was Bush's inherent authority to protect the American people then?
Given Bush's PAST RECORD of lying to the American people - over Katrina, the ports deal, NSA wiretapping, and dozens of other occassions, he has NO CREDIBILITY in my eyes, and therefore I question everything he does, including what he supposedly does to protect the American people.
Your performance in this hearing was disgraceful! I haven't made a political contribution in more than 10 years - and at that time, I was a devoted Republican and my money went to Republican candidates. Congratulations, you have earned a campaign contribution for Pete Ashdown!
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Perhaps you can answer this question. Are we supposed to protect the American people by destroying the very foundation of our country? And don't think I didn't hear you telling folks that the Constitution was broken when you were blathering on in the NSA wiretapping hearing!
Dude - why do you think the founders of this country allowed for Constitutional Amendments? It's a sign of how far you idiots have gone down the slippery slope that you're publically saying the Constitution should be rewritten and the President has the "inherent authority" to break the law!"
I am absolutely desperate to get rid of this embarrassment - Hatch! If you have some spare cash, can you please donate to Pete Ashdown and send an email to Hatch to let him know you did?
To donate to Ashdown:
https://pashdown.org/contribute/To email Hatch:
http://hatch.senate.gov/index.cfm?FuseAction=Offices.ContactLord, please help me get rid of this revolting treasonist SOB!! Please!!