(Ordinarily wouldn't post info from RW blogs, but this is all about DU, and it is very flattering.....and typical.)
http://www.rightwingnews.com/The Democratic Underground Thread Of The Day: Bush Sr. Tried To Kill Reagan!
One of the things that you have to love about liberals today is that they come up with new conspiracy theories to explain almost every bad thing that happens. Did terrorists fly planes into our buildings? Oh no, it was actually the Bush administration blowing the buildings up. What happens when Democrats lose major elections? The Republicans must have fixed it. Did some event happen that makes Americans more concerned about terrorism? Then Karl Rove must have orchestrated it to help Bush!
Well, the lefties over at the Democratic Underground have another theory they're trotting out. It seems that only 20% of them actually believe John Hinckley acted alone when he tried to murder Reagan. Now, you're probably asking yourself: "So, who do they think is really pulling the strings behind the scenes then? Some Democrat?" A Democrat? No, they're all virtuous like Robert Byrd and Ted Kennedy. The person really responsible is, of course, George Bush, Sr. After he assassinated Kennedy, it was just the next logical step. Oh wait? You didn't know he killed Kennedy? Well, no worries, all will be explained by the baying moonbats over at the DU.
From a thread at the Democratic Underground called, "Reagan Assasination attempt. Lone Gunman? Conspiracy? Poppy?"
(Me: the blog then shows the comments of maveric, dicksteele, in-cog-ni-to, bryant69, madokie, and kat119. If you go check it out, make sure to read the comments...the first commenter is just plain stupid, and other commenters are certain that bryant69 and incognito are really repuke moles taunting the other posters. Kinda interesting....well, not really.)