Russ has audio for his opening speech, first and second rounds of questioning in the Censure Hearing which are easier to download than video. Russ also has his courageous opening speech transcript on his Senate website.
I sent him this email:
Sick and sad by the cowardly DINOs hiding in the basement.
Your opening speech was outstanding and will keep the transcript. We need to begin a Third Party right away. Reid and other Dinos are trying to get rid of the grassroots Democratic candidates and we need a real people's party.
I am sick of the Republicrats. I doubt if any Progressives will now vote for the DLC approved candidates so, at last, a real Second Political Party can be a viable alternative to the Senators who have no clothes for their shame.
I still remember the Green Party Recount when the Dems went into hiding over the election fraud of 2004. The Democratic party is gone and we are now realizing it but it is the perfect opportunity to begin a real political party that is the voice of Americans not the corporations.
Thank you, sir, for your courage. It will be remembered 30 and more years from now and importantly in the 2008 Presidential election (if we can get rid of blackboxvoting).
Challenge Reid, he is not doing his job at all and we need someone who will. Thank you for stepping into the breech left by Reid for all Americans. == Russ for President site states: shame on the Democrats who did not even show up. Leahy was the ONLY Dem, other than Russ who made an appearance.