Dear Friend:
In a rare moment the spin machine stopped, PR firms were not consulted, and
the truth came out.
What was exposed is that the for-profit health care industry is seeking to
double their profits and expand their grasp by further privatizing Medicare
and the health care industry.
Today The New York Times reported in a big story on the front page of its
Business Section that while seniors remain confused and unable to sign-up
for the overly complex and confusing Medicare Part D, "for many big
insurers, the new Medicare program is shaping up as a great opportunity."
As if the image of big insurers laughing all the way to the bank while
seniors are turned away at the pharmacy is not enough, the Times story
continues, "If things play out the way some big insurers hope, the drug
program could prove to be a feeder system into a much greater private
presence in Medicare - a longstanding goal of the Bush administration."
So, what is this all about? Money, of course.
According to Charles Boorady, a health care securities analyst at Citigroup,
as quoted in the Times, with the further privatization of Medicare, "the
insurance industry had a potential revenue opportunity of more than $450
billion a year or enough to almost double the revenue of the managed care
Today's Times story gives a rare unvarnished and uncensored look at the
Administration's and the for-profit health care industry vision of the
future of health care in America.
I do not share this vision. I believe we can and must do better than ever
increasing profits for giant corporations at the expense of the health and
well being of our nation.
Health care should be about patients, not profits. It is time to end health
care for profit in this country, and make high-quality health care
accessible and affordable to all.
That is why for years I have supported a national health plan that would
ensure that all Americans have access to a universal high standard of
medical care. Working closely with my colleague, Congressman John Conyers of
Michigan, I have co-authored legislation, HR 676, Medicare for All, to
provide full health care coverage for every American. This legislation would
provide coverage for all medically necessary procedures including dental
care, mental health care, long-term care and prescription drug coverage.
There would be no co-pays, no premiums and no deductibles.
We are already paying for this level of coverage, we are just not getting
it. American taxpayers alone pay almost twice as much per person in health
care costs than taxpayers in countries that provide universal health care.
Economists have estimated that a Medicare for All system could be paid for
simply by reallocating money that is currently in the system. It would
eliminate waste and capture dollars from current inefficiencies. In short,
patients would get better care and pay less for it.
The Conyers-Kucinich Bill, HR 676, currently has 68 co-sponsors in Congress
and is the subject of a national grassroots campaign. The legislation is
endorsed by 72 union organizations and town hall meetings have been or will
be held in 90 cities this year.
I will continue to work on this legislation to ensure everyone can access
health coverage, medical care is of a universally high quality, and patients
no longer face financial barriers to getting the care they need.
To learn more about this and other issues please visit my website at <> . Please
continue to stay in touch!