Edited on Fri Mar-31-06 04:43 PM by enid602
. . . in the depths of the post-Watergate Nixon presidency, Tricky Dick, caught up in both Watergate and Vietnam, managed to temporarily break his losing streak (and look presidential) by visiting China and Russia. It was ironic, because the Vietnam experience (and much of Nixon's rhetoric) was all about containing communism. This rapprochement with the East brought new glamor and temporary popularity to the beleaguered president. Funny he achieved it by approaching the folks against whom he hammered his entire career.
If Bush wanted to get a similar 'pre-boot' lift, there is only one way he can do it; initiate a major rapprochement with Iran. I think the underlying fear of war is so close to the surface in this country that even the most hardcore TV Evangelists will welcome peace with Iran. More and more, PNACers seem to be jumping off the boat; no longer much need to satisfy them.
Come on Georgie, this is you one chance to prove to us all you're not malevolent!