I'm no prude. And maybe I should be happy that social conservatives are getting more in touch with their bad selves. But when we were doing some due diligence today on congressional candidate Howard Kaloogian's 'endorsements' list (he'd already fibbed on a few), I couldn't help but notice that one of his endorsers is Gabrielle Reilly, who Kaloogian's site identifies as an "International Political Activist & Swimsuit Model."
http://www.kaloogianforcongress.com/aboutus.asp?id06=101&par06=0Kaloogian's site links to this interview Reilly did with Kaloogian at her website.
http://www.gabriellereillyweekly.com/gabrielle_reilly/personalitychats/howard_kaloogian.htmI was curious to find out more. And when I clicked on the about page on her site I found this picture of Reilly lying on the ground holding her boobs with her shorts half pulled off.

I'm not sure if this was taken during their interview or not.
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