Labor is being created as a circuit for capital and that is applying to your fear and arguments.
Pitting all labor, and all immigrates including yourself, which you are, on a jingoistic philosophy of us vs them.
The control of Labor and the borders has been in controlled by the capitalist, neglect was not an accident, just as the Katrina response was not an accident. The consolidation of wealth of this nation is in the hands of the fewer and growing into the few, just as in Mexico.
which has been in a rapid growth since the republicans came to power,
then the illusion of the middle class medocracy of constant denial on the events that are occurring before their eyes.
Will make them attack the wrong side on this story.
When Us vs them is really this:
Historical materialism starts with the assumption that human consciousness is conditioned by its physical environment,
and therefore that primacy in society flows from its material base to its organisation of social life.
At the core lie the 'forces of production' (predominately machinery, raw materials, labour power, and knowledge), that influence the 'relations of production', i.e. the composition of ownership in society.
The class that dominates the relations of production favour a certain legal, political and ideological constitution of society (superstructure) that will support their social order.
But because the forces of production develop continuously,
while the established order tends to conserve its position
the organisation of society will increasingly become at odds with its material production.
A point is reached when the old establishment fetters the emerging productive forces.
The struggle between the ruling class and those classes it submerged
(which has been ongoing) now burst into revolutionary change.
A rapid growth of capital is synonymous with a rapid growth of profits.
Profits can grow rapidly only when the price of labor – the relative wages – decrease just as rapidly. Relative wages may fall, although real wages rise simultaneously with nominal wages, with the money value of labor, provided only that the real wage does not rise in the same proportion as the profit. If, for instance, in good business years wages rise 5 per cent, while profits rise 30 per cent, the proportional, the relative wage has not increased, but decreased.
link: Todays thread on LBNs on profits of capital, therefore, the income of the worker increased with the rapid growth of capital, there is at the same time a widening of the social chasm that divides the worker from the capitalist, and increase in the power of capital over labor, a greater dependence of labor upon capital.
So I just wanted to make you think about our world's literature and thoughts and history.
rambling Friday night rant.