The NYT today has a huge front page story on the 9/11 tapes and an accompanying obligatory photo of people jumping from the buildings. I can't see that all this brouhaha about the tapes does anything but open painful wounds, particularly for family and friends of those that perished. It's not like Americans have forgotten, or are in danger of forgetting, the horrors of that day.
There's no doubt that the tapes are useful for first responders, revealing as they do, the flaws extant within the 9/11 emergency system, at the time of the disaster, but that doesn't mean that their public dissemination is necessary.
My neighbor has told me that she can't help comparing the reaction of Americans to 9/11 with the reaction of Brits to the blitz. She was a young girl living in London at that time. She believes that Americans tend to believe that 9/11 was the most awful thing that's ever happened and that the Brits took the terrible events they lived through far more stoically and much more in stride.
I'm sure many people will look at this as strictly a freedom of the press issue. To me, the big deal being made about them is indicative that Americans really are a nation of scab pickers