the above article please and express your feelings. Here are my feelings: mainstream liberal journalists, such as Richard Cohen, are to blame for Iraq.
It's not just that he believed what chimp said going into Iraq unquestioningly, although he was warned by well-informed readers and others countless times. It's not just that he abandoned his journalistic duty to be skeptical of the government and rolled over without a whimper. It's not just that he continued "believing" this administration after it became obvious to anyone with more a single brain cell that nothing they said was true.
It's that he STILL doesn't get it. He just decided a couple of days ago that chimp possibly lied, although he's not too sure of that yet. Most of all, he wonders what was in chimp's little soul or heart, and implies that it is still might be okay, if *'s motives were pure. He suggests motives, such as revenge for the death threat against chimp's father, as reasons for his lies. Nothing about Halliburton, or profits for chimp's cronies and his own family. Three years after Iraq, this mainstream liberal journalist is still firmly in denial. Yet he writes this article as if it's a profile in courage.
I blame him and all the others like him.