Michael MooreKarl Malone is a heroI don't care if the man is a Democrat, Republican, Neocon or Socialist - the man is a hero. So please don't reply that he once donated to this cause or that, or drives whatever. I don't care. He did good and will get his props.
When former Utah Jazz all-star Karl Malone brought his logging company in Arkansas into Pascagoula, Miss. to clear out debris left behind by Hurricane Katrina, his team was met by a brick wall named Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and orange cones nicknamed the Army Corps of Engineers. Both said Malone wasn't authorized to bring his machinery into the area to clear private property.
''There was a lot of red tape, and I ain't got time for that,'' he told AP. ''I found out that if you're going to do something good, just go ahead and do it. Once I get in my machine, no one is going to get me out. We just said 'the hell with it.' FEMA didn't approve, but we did it for the people.''
''We were totally self-contained with our own food and everything,'' said Malone. ''We didn't want to take even one bottle of water away from these people. When we told them we were doing this for free, they looked at us like we were crazy or something.''
''Everything about this just felt right,'' the NBA vet tells AP. ''My mom died two years ago, and in our last conversation, she told me that one day I would have to step up on a grand scale and help people. I knew this was it.''
This makes me smile and cry at the same time. Good for him.