a bit more about what the US occupation forces mean to the people of Afghanistan. Thew reporter spent some time embedded with US Marines on a "hearts and minds" mission, then went back independently to talk with the people directly. Look very closely at the terrain, the landscape, the buildings. Think of what it might mean to live in an environment like that. Look into the eyes of the people, people like you and me.
I spent some time in Afghanistan, and found the experience to be very mind-altering. Not the opium-laced hash, but the fact that the people there were both "just like me" and very much a part of an intact and absolutely honorable culture that I found completely alien. This was way back when the guns they carried were handmade, rather than mass-produced machine guns, but the culture was the same. I had the good fortune to spend a day with a young man who had been orphaned in an inter-tribal feud, adopted by a British family and educated in England and was returning to his home with his sense of right and wrong intact. He taught me more than I realized at that time.
http://www.journeyman.tv/?lid=17451Real Media Player clip of 30 out of 45 minutes of this documetary:
http://www.journeyman.tv/?lid=17451Also being shown on Link TV:
http://www.linktv.org/programming/programDescription.php4?code=date_talibanWatch it carefully. It will help you understand why the military domination of Afghanistan (and Iraq) was doomed from the start.