Edited on Mon Apr-03-06 09:29 AM by bigtree
I'd vote for a dead dog before I'd vote for a republican. I don't consider any of their proposals. I like the work that is done in Congress with republican participation, but only on legislation that originated on our side of the aisle. I'm pretty rigid about that, and I'm suspicious of everything that is initiated or sponsored by republicans to the point that I would reject practically everything they put forward. I certainly reject their entire stated agendas.
I don't see a point in relating anything that might cast a favorable light on republicans. Their party's mere existence, as it stands today with Bush, Cheney, Frist, and Boehner at the head, is a threat to democracy, a threat to my family, and, ultimately, a threat to the world.
In my lifetime (born 1960), the Democratic Party has been the primary defender of my liberty. The republican party has been an obstacle. I don't believe the republican party has the capacity to reconcile that, not if they began today to repeal and reverse all of their pernicious meddling and didn't stop until my old age, would they be able to repair the damage they have done to our democracy, to our prestige, to the world community.
We Democrats have the wisdom and capacity to overcome their transgressions if we work hard enough. We have another chance coming up to put the brakes on this administration's agenda. The next round of congressional elections will be held this November. The stakes are, of course, critical.
I remember a Democratic House of Representatives which held the republicans at bay. It's been a while, so I'm sure many have forgotten how formidable a Democratic House can be against a republican White House and a republican Senate.
On the issue of impeachment, it is the House which is tasked with initiating impeachment proceedings. On the budget, all money matters must originate in the House. I've watched reams of republican nonsense get swept away by a Democratic House. Just that prospect alone promises a formidable opposition to the Bush regime.
So, I've burned down to the nub of my vanity here. Most of us know the rest of the specifics. We have to pull ourselves together and mount effective campaigns to win this fall, or, at least elevate a few dead dogs.