Paul Krugman's column in today's NY Times mentions this. (Can't link to it unless you subscribe to the Times.)
There are countless whores in congress, but McCain is among the worst. He wants to be president so badly he will do anything to win the approval of the religious right, including going down on Jerry Falwell. In effect, he's telling the various segments of the Republican coalition, "Whatever you want from me, you got it."
"Hey, Wall Street, want to bury social security and get your hands on those retirement bucks? You got it."
"Hey, rich guys, want more tax breaks? You got it."
"Hey, Halliburton, want some more no bid contracts? You got it."
"Hey, Boeing, want to keep building a missile defense system that doesn't work? You got it."
"Hey, fundies, want me to swear to protect and defend the bible? you got it."
"Hey, bigots, want me to keep ignoring New Orleans? You got it."
"Hey, torture lovers, want to see me do worse than the North Vietnamese did to me? You got it."
"Hey, Republicans, want Saint Ronnie and King George on Mt. Rushmore? You got it."
"Hey, Dems, want to see me put on my 'straight-talking, good guy' act again? Go fuck yourselves."
Goodbye, "moderate John." Hello, "John the whore."