When they aren't talking about education (which they've been doing for it seems months now) they are doing more liberal bashing than anything else. Is it grating on anyone else but me, or am I just being too sensitive?
http://www.dailyhowler.com/PIMPING OLBERMANN: We’re not quite as high on Keith Olbermann as many other Dem/lib types are. Yes, he’s clever, but his presentations on Countdown are often weak, and the hour-long program is simply larded with fluff, tomfoolery and filler. (His choice of guests tends to be weak and repetitive.) For our money, when Olbermann started doing a daily hour on ESPN radio last fall, the decision seemed sadly typical. Hosting an hour-long cable news show is a great honor—and a great responsibility. But for many with Millionaire Pundit Values, one great gig just isn’t enough. Where’s Olbermann when he ought to be prepping for Countdown? Oh yeah! He’s on ESPN, wasting his time with Dan Patrick. Every time we see a weak Countdown segment, we recall where our host has been.
For that reason, we think it’s worth considering one passage from Howard Kurtz’s eek-a-mouse profile of Olbermann in today’s Post. Playing the role of perfect parrots, many activist liberal sites have recently been pimping propaganda about Countdown’s wondrous success in the ratings. But uh-oh! The presentations have been rather selective. Here is Krutz’s account:
KURTZ (4/3/06): "Countdown" is still in third place among the cable news networks—Fox's "O'Reilly Factor" dominated the first quarter, with 2.26 million viewers, followed by CNN's Paula Zahn with 632,000 and Olbermann with 404,000. But the MSNBC show boasts of a 41 percent jump over last year among viewers age 25 to 54, edging CNN in that category.
Yes, MSNBC has been boasting about that “jump over last year” among certain viewers. But good God! Olbermann is still getting crushed by Paula Zahn, who stages the most fatuous program on television. And he’s getting massively crushed by O’Reilly—not that you’d know it from reading the crap that our activist libs have churned out.