A brief history of Homeland Decency
"DOHD historians looked at Homeland history and realized things were a lot better a long time ago. Back then, life was decent.
"Men worked all day without overtime or Social Security. They were fit and strong and paid their debts on time and didn't go to government offices for handouts if they lost their jobs or were injured while performing them. They raised large families with their wives and didn't expect others to pay for their health care. Good and decent, they lived their decent lives to the fullest, until one day - from God-given exhaustion - they would fall over dead. They didn't linger, whine, or sue anyone over the unfairness of it all. They just dropped dead and went on to their eternal reward.
"Their wives were just as decent. They stayed home and cooked and cleaned and made themselves look pretty for their husbands, just as our Intelligent Designer intended them to do. They did not complain about their numerous household and child-rearing duties. Nor did they ever find anything but joy in being pregnant over and over again. And when their men fell over dead suddenly, leaving them no pension or bank account, they didn't go to the government expecting money for nothing. They took in sewing to make ends meet, all while raising their children to become decent hard-working, non-complaining adults.