I received the following e-mail this morning from Democrats Abroad UK (I'm a member):
"Democrats Needed For Media Appearances: DAUK needs Democrats who are available to appear on TV and radio shows and speak with print journalists. As part of our effort to heighten the Democrats' profile in the UK, we are developing a short list of people who can participate in talk shows or speak with reporters. Ideal candidates will be those who can be easily identified as experts on an issue or issues that are frequently in the news (foreign relations, military affairs, international trade, health care, energy, etc.) or may have been professionally involved in American government or politics. Media training can be provided as needed."
My first thought was that it's high time they did this. I get furious when the Republicans Abroad UK trot out their people on Radio 4 or wherever and there's no Democrat there for balance, although I suppose I should be pleased that the UK media give Republicans such a rough ride. The Republicans are just so damn good at making themselves heard. They may be wrong, but they do get air time. Our people don't over here.
My second thought was to volunteer myself, except that I'm not someone who can be "easily identified" as an expert. I'm passionately interested in US politics and as well-informed as you would expect someone to be who spends several hours a day at DU, not to mention the other political sites I lurk at, but that doesn't qualify me to speak to the media (although Ann Coulter isn't either and it sure hasn't slowed her down any). I don't think I'd be afraid to speak to a print journalist, but I'm uneasy about doing TV or radio at this point. It's encouraging that Democrats Abroad offer media training "if needed" - I need.
So, really I'm posting this for two reasons:
First, do any DUers who live in the UK have the kind of experience Democrats Abroad UK is looking for and if so, are you interested? I can send contact information along to you if you like.
Second, can any DUers with media experience offer advice to me? I may be crazy, but I'd seriously like to become involved with this. I'm well-educated and scrub up pretty well, and consider myself well-informed. What, for media purposes, constitutes an "expert"? I look at some of the Republicans who appear on TV in the States and just shake my head and wonder how and why they managed to get the gig, because all they do is mouth talking points - they don't actually appear to know anything themselves.
I'd really appreciate some feedback on this. Thanks in advance.