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Q&A: Tom DeLay Talks with TIME
The former House Majority discusses his decision to relinquish his seat in the House and cease his bid for reelection
Posted Monday, Apr. 03, 2006
TIME: What was it that made you feel free, and what was your main point?
DeLay:My main point was that this country was built on morals and religion. Our greatest leaders were very strong believers. There is a connection between religion and politics, and religion and government. There has to be for this country to have accomplished all it's accomplished and for its future. How many times have the great leaders—Ronald Reagan, Roosevelt, Lincoln, George Washington—have said there is a connection between morals and religion. And there has to be. The people that go to church understand that a country has to be based on some sort of religion and fear of God because they understand that.
Christine DeLay: They're accountable.
DeLay: Yeah. If you know that we're all sinners, then you know that we have to work hard to have a moral foundation. So I felt very liberated in being able to say that. I didn't have to worry about being the spokesman for the Republican Party and all that kind of stuff.
Christine DeLay: Plus, they were all your friends.
DeLay: Well, most of 'em knew who I was—they knew who I was. (Both DeLays chuckle)
Christine DeLay: There was QUITE a chunk of that Chris Matthews' show.
DeLay: Oh, they did? Hmm.
TIME: What are your immediate plans? Could you talk to me about the timeline?
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