has been the loss of exemptions the average Americans used to have.
About 20 years ago---
ALL your interest payments on house, credit card, whatever, were deductible.
ALL medical expenses you paid out of pocket were deductible.
There was something called “income averaging” where if you made really crappy wages and then got a well-paid job, you averaged out the income and didn’t have to pay as much in taxes. (this was rescinded in 1987, for everybody except farmers).
“* Unemployment compensation was made partially taxable, starting with 1979, and was made fully taxable, starting with 1987.” (Same source as the above info. about income averaging.)
(1987---who was President then? Some movie actor, I think.)
* State sales taxes were no longer deductible, beginning with 1987. (Same link again. Good article, that.)
The amount of the personal exemption was $600 in 1948; $3000 in 2002.
(If you know what it is now, please post.)
I’m not a tax preparer and never have been. If you are/were one, please feel free to chime in. But from what I see, it seems like the average American is paying more and more taxes with less benefits coming to him/her.