long hot summer. If it's this high now, I predict gas around these parts to easily surpass 3 bucks a gallon soon. This is the make or break summer for the U.S.A.
If the freeps wish to continue with morons* none existent energy policy, well, good for them. Me, I'm biking to work. Getting strong for the energy crash.
Now, when I'm out and about, I casually people watch and I do a little check list in my head, who will survive and who won't.
Big ass SUV driver with a w bumper sticker, buying boat loads of useless bullshit, feeding themselves toxic crap...not going to survive. And here in Texas, there are lots of them.
Sometime around September, things will be very interesting around here.
I think more than anything, there will be a ground swell of angry stupidity aimed at moron* and his bunch, because the majority of mouth breathers here that follow the boob* blindly and cry about to much gov't control in their lives and yet are willing to give away our hard fought for freedoms by the handfuls, will be the ones leading the parade in outrage over the lack of energy policy and how the gov't didn't take care of them. It will be amusing to watch to say the least.
A buddy of mine here, a Dem but not on top of the curve has an SUV, he told me it cost him 60 bucks and it wasn't even filled. I wonder what kind of vacuum some people live in?
This will be a long hot summer, indeed.