"Wartime is not a time to weaken the commander in chief," says paramount partisan hack Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-UT), responding to the testimony of former Nixon White House Counsel John Dean at Friday's Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on Sen. Russ Feingold's Bush censure motion.
A good question for the senator might be this: if the war in question is the so-called "War on Terror," when exactly might we consider it an appropriate time for "weakening" the commander in chief?
President Bush has used this faux "war" as justification for all manner of power grabs, from the invasion of a country to the ignoring of acts Congress, to the violation of court orders to the violation of federal laws, to the termination of citizenship rights. By Bush's--and Hatch's--reasoning, the president cum commander in chief could order the secret arrest, detention, torture and execution of any one of us, could cancel national elections, could indeed, declare martial law and have done with the Constitution altogether.
And since this "war" will never end--terrorism having been with us for as far back as you want to look, and likely to be with us forever--Hatch's argument is a prescription for dictatorship.