{I wonder if anyone's called Coulter? or the preacher? or all the other's who've been broadcasting death threats for years?)
http://www.opednews.com/articles/opedne_rob_kall_060404_opednews_editor_warn.htmby Rob Kall
http://www.opednews.com"I wrote an article the other day, Black November, in which I expressed my wish that Katherine Harris and Ken Blackwell were both losing sleep worrying about people after them for murdering democracy. I gave a detailed description of what they should worry about. Katherine Harris may actually be worrying about it.
I know because I got a call from a special agent of the Capitol Police checking with me on my article. She assured me that I hadn't broken any law, that this fell under free speech, that I'd been clear that I didn't want to harm her. But, she added, other people who might read my writing might be incited to action. I assured her that was not my intent. That seemed to reassure her a bit. But then she said that I was in a "grey area."
That roused a bit of a chill in my spine-- a "grey area."
So I said to her, "A grey area? What does that mean?"
(more at link)