senate? Seems to me it is the stupidest idea to come along in a while. 1. It is just a wedge issue meant to appeal to the right wing base when the approval polls are running so low. It appeals to xenophobes and racists and those who feel everything would be fine if this country were all "white". I heard this kind of language when Reagan came in and they have just brought it back.
2.Guest workers is just legalized slavery and what will they go back to when their time limit is up? The great wonderful jobs that they don't have now? Israel has a sort of guest worker program and you see how well that has worked. the Palestinians hate them for their suppression of rights. Especially the right to travel freely.
3. The program, building the wall, keeping people out , and rounding up all the paperwork is going to be incredibly expensive. Do we really want to add to the deficit that much? bush has already given us the expensive Homeland Security, and the expensive Medicare drug program, and neither one of those work very well.
4.Building a wall is a darn stupid idea and an eyesore on our land. Israel has built a wall and it hasn't helped them much. What we have now isn't perfect but it is a whole lot better than what they are proposing. let sleeping dogs lie and wait until we have more time to figure out what is right to do. We are being rushed.