So, my wife, who is a university professor comes home from lecture series being sponsored on campus about religious liberty and the separation of church and state. The guest lecture is Rabbi Saperstein, who works with a group called the Baptist Joint Committee for Public Affairs, which is a watchdog lobby that fights FOR the separation of church and state (which is why the Southern Baptist Convention pulled funding from that group long ago.)
Anyway, Rabbi Saperstein tells the following story.
It seems the Rabbi was at the Supreme Court one day looking at the frieze on the wall that portrays Moses holding the Ten Commandments, and Muhammad and other "lawgivers," when someone knowing him to be a Rabbi asks him to interpret the Hebrew that is written on the tablets that Moses is depicted as holding...something he had not bothered to do before, when he realizes something very unusual.
Saperstein told the group at the lecture tonight. Whoever painted the mural depicting Moses holding the Ten Commandments either didn't know Hebrew very well, or had a great sense of humor.
It seems that in that mural, Moses' hair is hiding the Commandments on the first side of the tablet that would have the Commandments concerning humanity's relationship to God. (No other Gods, Graven Images, etc.). Also, Moses' hair is covering the first word of all the rest of the commandments, which translated into English would be the words: "Thou shalt not."
In other words, the Commandments, as portrayed on the mural on the wall in the Supreme Court of the United States read only:
1. Kill
2. Commit Adultery
3. Steal
4. Lie
5. Covet
Link to PDF file from SCOTUS web-site showing the friezes on North and South Walls...Moses is the 5th one from the left in the first frieze on the page. Remember, Hebrew is read from Right to Left.