I'm looking for tips on how to promote my news site,
Paulo's News, which I launched last week and have since been refining.
My goal is to have a popular news site, updated many times a day by me, that posts primarily blog-sourced journalism with a more-mainstream demeanor. In other words, I wouldn't hesitate to post anything brutally critical of a political establishment figure, but my site would leave off the more coarse filler material, i.e. "HAHA his MOM and DeLay's should eat crap!", etc. I have two target audiences: 1. lefties who don't have time to sift through blog postings all day, and 2. more moderate readers who want the hard news but not the lefty attitude on the front page.
Unfortunately, I'm caught in a Catch-22. With my day job, I can really only update the site once or twice a day. The site could replace my day job if, I estimate, I get 50000-100000 views per day. But if it's not updated all the time, it's a weaker site, and it's safe to assume it'd draw fewer readers. And jeez, DailyKos gets 600000 views per day. Crooks and Liars gets 200000. 50000 would be damn huge.
Since I get the impression that DU is full of experienced bloggers/publishers, do any of you guys have any advice on what I can do to grow the site's readership?
(You can get to know some of my personal political views in the
"Editorial" I wrote a few days ago. It's not my best writing, but I think I get my points across.)