Edited on Wed Apr-05-06 02:40 AM by Mythsaje
I posted something early today about something sent through one of my author's list. It's actually the list for my primary publisher and its authors. It was one of those jingoistic nonsense e-mails, about a confrontation in some steak restaurant.
I posted THIS as a response.
With all due respect, *******, for your son's service and the sacrifice your family has made during this time, but I believe this is a completely inappropriate place to post this. I go out of my way not to post my political views on author lists because this whole issue has become quite divisive and there are far more appropriate venues for these discussions. This particular story has been debunked by Snopes.com. It never happened. I'd like to point out that the majority of people who oppose this war consider our soldiers victims of a new wave of American imperialism, not "baby-killers," despite what people like Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity would like you to think. This is nothing more than propaganda, and, personally, I think the administration is "catapulting the propaganda" quite effectively without this sort of assistance.
The original poster hasn't responded, nor has any of the publishing staff.
But, believe it or not, another author responded with this.
"I'm glad you don't post your political views on the Wings website, Saje. I'm with ******* on this one!"
Another author responded to that by saying, "Actually, I think he did."
The whole thing has gotten under my skin. I can't afford to respond as sharply as I might in another venue. The original poster is the publisher's art director and I really can't afford to alienate her. But the first response really pissed me off. I SO wanted to tell him that I might be a sci-fi writer, but I live in the reality-based community, and he needs to lay off the kool-aide.
Another author chimed in and stated "Are we voting on this? I specifically request we do not get into political or religious issues on the **** listservs."
Which is pretty much my original point, unless I'm mistaken.
Any suggestions?