The Memory Hole Kick, publisher and editor
04 April 2006
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The following material has been added:
Chemical Weapons Report: Toxicity by Race and Gender ***
exclusive: Recently declassified Defense report.
Edward Hammond of the Sunshine Project
The Citizen's Education Project and the Sunshine Project requested this report in August 2004 because its title suggests that the US Army has recently exposed people to chemical weapons (CW) agents. The report does not detail any recent human experiments, although that conclusion can only be tentative, because large portions of the report are blacked-out and parts of the D049 program are classified.
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Once the query got to the Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) and Dugway Proving Ground, however, it morphed into a gem of late 20th century military science. Reminiscent of phrenology (racial skull studies) in vogue a hundred years ago, the report will leave critical readers laughing at its quack ethnic distinctions; but also horrified at what is implied by this "science."
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Fast forward - in time, if not enlightenment: According to the 1999 DTRA / Dugway report, for the purposes of chemical warfare humanity can be divided into four "general ethnic groups." These, it says, can be defined as follows: "1) Caucasian (people from the United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Europe, Russia, and Australia), 2) South American, 3) Oriental (people from China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Japan, Korea, and Singapore), and 4) other Asian (people from India, Philippines, Thailand, Laos, East Indies, etc.)." Based on these quack distinctions, the report goes on to draw conclusions about susceptibility to blister and nerve agents. The lunacy should be self-evident. We don't know what happened to Native Americans or to Africa, among other peoples and places, in DTRA's ethnic scheme. We're not going to hazard a guess.
Conclusions based on ethnic categories include, for example, that the physical characteristics of an average "Oriental" male lessen the amount of CW agent that he must be exposed to in order to produce a casualty, but that, relatively speaking, he can inhale a greater proportion of that agent without being taken out of action - or placed in a body bag. Apparently referring to "Caucasians," the report concludes that American military men (but not women) are among the world's best at withstanding exposure to nerve and blister agents.